Weston loves tummy time!
Today I was talking to LeighAnn and I feel like I can talk so frank with her...I guess that's what sisters are good at! Anyway she asked me if I felt 29. I told her no but that this birthday was kind of hard. She asked me why? As I thought abut it we discussed that this last decade 19-29 you remember so much more than the previous decade 9-19. 19-29 what an exciting time. It's excitingly horrific! As I look at MerriLyn and she's just beginning this journey, I'm so hapyy and terrified for her. I think about the experiences that happen this last decade and the changes that happened. How many times did I think I was going to marry this guy or that guy. How hard can I work until I meltdown? The friends that have come and gone, but more importantly the ones that stayed with me. Thanks! Anyway these are just some random thoughts I had today and I realize I dont feel any older but as I look back i am ending an era so to speak and beginning the next faze of life. I've done all of my playing and now I'm settled and can start the next decade with a whole new bag of experiences,dreams and goals. Does this make sense?